The Cosmic Wink About Silver Bullets

owning & growing power the future of work Sep 23, 2024
The Cosmic Wink About Silver Bullets


The other day, I got curious about the origin of the saying “silver bullet” — a phrase commonly used in the business world with negative connotations.

So I looked it up.
(If you don’t know about me and research yet, it’s a thing.)




  • Originally, the ancient Greeks believed that silver instruments could be used to kill supernatural forces.
  • Then British folklore held and advanced the belief that silver bullets could be used to wound and reveal witches and other supernatural entities like vampires, werewolves, etc. Earliest written reference was in 1678 in a fiction “Popish Plot”.
    (*for context: this was during the prime period of the European witch hunts from 1450 to 1750 when ~40,000-60,000 herbalists, healers, midwives, and Earth-based spirituality practitioners were killed as part of the expansion of Christianity)
  • In the 1930s, the saying “silver bullet” started being used in business contexts to describe a simple, seemingly magical solution to a complex problem. The 1930s is also when The Lone and the Silver Bullet was published in which silver bullets were believed to be the only way to kill supernatural beings in the story. Which came first in the modern context? I don’t know and that’s where my research curiosity extinguished.
  • Today the phrase is often used to describe the NON-existence of simple solutions to complex problems. Eg "There's no silver bullet."

Hmmm, a simple, seemingly magical solution to a complex problem.

People are peddling silver bullet solutions everywhere, and the collective is fatigued by them, while (let's be honest) still desperately yearning for them.

More and more people are realizing that:
This one technology,
This one leader,
This one product
ISN'T going to save us.

From what supernatural foe though?
Because we, humans, have created all the big challenges that we’re sitting in.

Newsflash // It’s our unconscious desire to be saved by someone/something else that has us in this pickle.
(*👆🏻This is generally a form of Shadow Power for the newcomers here)

Then, somewhat, I don't know… Ironically? Hilariously? Ridiculously!?!
That's what I realize my body of work is about.

It's a kind of silver bullet.
I laughed and rolled my eyes so hard at the same time.



Power literacy is actually a simple, seemingly magical solution to incredibly complex problems, because when we get power right, it’s the taproot underlying most of our core frustrations and inefficiencies at work.


If we address imbalances and blockages to the flow of power within and between us,

If we address the Shadow Power we generate for ourselves and direct at others,

If we eliminate that tension, that headwind, that confusion, that swirl, that exhaustion, that harm, that inefficiency, that waste of time and money, and at worst, that degeneration and violence,

If we get ALL of that out of the way, oh my goodness, then we literally feel superhuman.

(Btw, I'm not inflating this because I have the data from client results)

This type of octave jump is the solution set we need now.

We cannot make it on incremental gains with the challenges that we're facing at this time — not with the number of challenges nor the intensity with which they exist.


We do need seemingly supernatural solutions.
But the beautiful, cosmic wink of it all is that it's us.
WE'RE the solution.

We're the lock. We're the key.

We're both the obstruction and the opening.


We just need to learn how to unlock our greatest power, so, we can skyrocket our collective efficacy and joy to meet this moment with all we're made of.

If it's not obvious, No — I'm not saying that all we need to do is learn power literacy.

But when we do, it creates slipstream conditions for our mastery in our outer work to shine like the sun.



If you’re ready to be the simple, seemingly magical solution in your own life

If you’re ready to end your addictions to fretting, feeling powerless, and waiting for outside conditions to change and THEN take a leap,

If you’re ready to put down passenger consciousness and pick up driver consciousness,

Check out Regenerative Power Embodiment Accelerator.



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