A 3-week accelerator to radically redefine your relationship to power and skyrocket your leadership efficacy

What if one 6-hour immersion could catalyze a paradigm shift in how you experience being a leader?
Most professional development only creates incremental change because it doesn’t address power.
Power is the real taproot underneath all lack of clarity, inefficiency, and suffering at work.
It is also the antidote.

Witness the Magic of Power Up
Illuminate new blind spots
like David.
Enhance your expertise at work
like Jenn.
What benefits await you in Power Up?
✨ Ethical leaders
✨ Pioneering changemakers
✨ Systems transformers
✨ Organizational healers
✨ Multidisciplinary regenerates
Gifts of increased Power Literacy
You gain embodied capacity for power to flow through you.
You learn to identify and track unspoken patterns.
You feel more energized, adaptive, and resilient.
You learn to stay centered and upright in your own power.
You gain the ability to transform blockage in yourself, teams, and systems.
You gain new language to name the invisible.

Each part of this offering focuses on establishing a baseline of power awareness, power literacy, and self-understanding to cultivate a new vision and new version of how you embody power.
As a part of Power Up, you get lifetime access to the Power Assessment for Leaders & Power Initiation for Leaders. As soon as you enroll, you get to engage these programs to see your own power patterns before we convene as a group.

These 2 self-directed, online experiences take you through an arc from being unaware/less aware of the full extent of your power patterns, to
(1) gaining new insights and language around power,
(2) seeing yourself in the mirror across the 36 most common types of power at work, and
(3) understanding both your gifts and your shadows through intentional, guided action.
The workshop cohort comes together live and in an online community platform to dive deeply into new practices for proficiency with power in a dynamic group learning environment.

The live calls for Power Up encompass a 6-hour training spanning 3 weeks. But don't let the compressed timeframe fool you.
Power Up delivers 20 years of power research distilled into one potent transmission.
In this time you will:
(1) Take the information about your power patterns from the Power Assessment for Leaders to new levels of understanding, growth, leverage, and effectiveness,
(2) Develop embodied skills of power literacy, i.e. learn to conduct power through yourself confidently, effectively and ethically,
(3) Remove blockages in yourself and your relationships, see through confusing power dynamics and tap into previously inaccessible reservoirs of energy, and
(4) Get to connect with other leaders on the journey of power in between calls in a dedicated community platform to share insights and keep the power learning going.
// Note //
This first entry into group work involving power does NOT endeavor to diagnose or work with others’ power patterns or shadows. That is a more advanced level of work that comes later.
If you are an ethical leader, chances are that you carry unconscious, self-sabotaging false beliefs about power.
Power is bad
People with power are the problem.
All power = Power Over
(and does harm).
Someone or something else determines how much power I get to inhabit at any given moment.
Fully inhabiting my power comfortably or skillfully is an episodic experience, not the norm.
Multiple people in their power simultaneously is chaos.
People who want power are bad
(so I’m bad if I want power).
Being in my power
increases my blindspots.
These beliefs have accumulated over millennia of intergenerational experiences of power abuse.
And they're getting in the way of your best intentions — no matter how hard you try.
Those same beliefs will block you from stepping into this experience.
Even if you sense that Power Up holds keys to your liberation.
The first thing we do in Power Up
is to start rewiring those beliefs.
"I can FEEL leaderful and powerful even when not in a specific position of explicit power. It's so much about how I see MYSELF and how I conduct myself."
— TS
"Some tangible results from this work? I redirected my energy and business to jump us up to a new level... I feel so much more full of energy and power flowing into me (literally, physically) and I am much, much happier!!"
— JC
"The nightmare I felt of 'I don’t want to be here',
I’m turning into my dream job."
— PK

Larissa Conte, Founder of Wayfinding
Larissa Conte is a leadership rites of passage guide and an internationally recognized coach whose insights on power source from 20+ years of devoted interdisciplinary study, application, and lived experience. She specializes in helping people understand precisely how power works — both Power that Serves the Whole and Shadow Power in their many flavors — and helping them learn to embody their power for the greater good with her world-class approach and frameworks.
We're selecting the dates for the next cohort
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Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to be employed to enroll?
Will I get individual coaching in this experience?
How much time does this take?
Can I enroll with people from my team?
I can't make one of the calls. Can I still join?
I can’t do this cohort. When is the next one?
Wayfinding is a learning community for high-performing, ethical leaders committed to Power that Serves the Whole.
See your power in a new light. Here is the first step in discovering blindspots and building trust in your personal power.