Our Capacity for Regenerative Change

meaning through work owning & growing power Mar 19, 2024
Our Capacity for Regenerative Change


Happy Equinox!

Today is Spring Equinox for all you friends in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn Equinox for friends in the Southern Hemisphere—one of the two days on Earth when the rate of change of daylight is at it’s fastest.


I know it’s been a minute since you’ve heard from me here.

These past two months have been gushing-waterfall-full and I’ve been feeling the everything, everywhere, all at once-ness with the simultaneity of expansion happening on all fronts of my life and business.


Maybe life has been like this for you too?

For me, this has included things like facilitating and graduating incredible participants from my recent Foundations in Regenerative Power Embodiment training, filming for an upcoming launch, starting a rebrand that shows more of my essence and the multidimensionality of Wayfinding, metabolizing all that’s happening in the collective field and world events for myself and supporting others in the energetic/emotional/spiritual/practical work of this too, seeking a new home in a brand new region with Michael after being nomadic for 16 months, packing and moving most of our things from San Francisco to New York, being 6 months into a year-long coaching immersion for myself in a mother & aspiring-mother-to-be CEO community led by my powerful new mentor Cait Scudder to redesign Wayfinding in alignment with my dreams of motherhood and beneficial impact, working to detox my body at deep levels via an extended protocol guided by the wise Hanna Lose-Frahn, continually illuminating and integrating my Shadow Power in all forms while energizing my Power that Serves the Whole, channeling new octaves of insight about the Power Landscape and the nature of power, learning many new things in the subtle realms, ongoingly supporting clients in their embodied power expansion, and unleashing my humorous side more publicly in fun, creative expressions like this, this and this on IG (or here, here, and here on LinkedIn).


So, hello from the expansion portal! πŸ‘‹πŸΌπŸ˜…

I share all this for you to know what I’ve been up to/where I've been and to convey the feeling I’ve had in my body that is so much like surging creeks and rivers full to their banks with snowmelt (sometimes unabashedly flooding) and water-saturated seeds in the fertile darkness of the Earth bursting through their outermost skin to germinate and send down new roots while sending up new shoots. These sensations are calling me to find more space in my being, my consciousness, my rhythms, and ways of navigating life. Going inward during expansion is part of Nature’s teachings, as well as the inevitable emergence that follows.



I also share this because a community member recently asked how many of the 36 types of power to endeavor to engage at once in transmuting their Shadow Power and amplifying their Power that Serves the Whole. I laughed and said

(1) I’ve been known to try too many at once

(2) Our Sensing Power will indicate how many we can engage simultaneously in regenerative ways (rather than degenerative ways that tap our aliveness and muddy our consciousness balance).

And here’s the (3) that I didn’t say. I also feel that sometimes Life un-subtly offers conditions with little/no wiggle room, a set of conditions that just ARE that we can’t exit, but that we can meet. The human capacity for avoidance is always a choice (I don’t recommend it), but we can also face the conditions and relate to them as am initiatory threshold to meet with not just with our full heart, mind, spirit, capacity, but to summon/open to our capacity for JUST A LITTLE MORE. I see Life inviting that from all of us right now as part of truly feeling the consequences of long-accumulated imbalance and learning to become more wholehearted.


We have such an incredible capacity to be
with the much-ness of Life.


This is the rites of passage cycle with power. The way, like the seeds, that we are continually invited to push off our once known edge to become a new, mysterious form of ourselves with new capacities, access to new octaves, and more deeply rooted new embodiment that our prior selves couldn’t even conceive as possible.

This is the fundamental pattern of growth of human beings — and when we start accounting for this not just in ourselves, but in how we work together by designing to foster these inner spiraling cycles of growth as they connect to organizational growth cycles.

I see the work of our lifetime as a simultaneity of creating ever more congruence and coherence across the scales of our lives (remember those 5 scales from the Power Landscape?) while remediating old blocks, beliefs, harm, and disconnection.


Yes, there is so much to be cleaned up, healed, beautified, and regenerated.
So we might as well find the joy of engaging it,
personally and together.




  1. I hope this finds you well and I’d love to hear from you — truly!!! Reach out to me to share your celebrations, challenges, and curiosities as they relate to any of this or not. I will read each one and look forward to replying.

  2. Here are the contemplation questions from above for you:
    1. Has Life been inviting you to expand in many new ways?
    2. Have you felt over-full at all? What energizes this sensation?
    3. Have you felt joy-full? What energizes this sensation?
    4. How have you been finding generative ways to open to the much-ness?




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Recipes & Reflections Edition πŸ₯„

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