Starting a New Chapter, Powerfully
Aug 01, 2024
I love that feature on LinkedIn that alerts me when a connection starts a new role.
It helps me celebrate people at a threshold that matters.
And it cues me to share reflections in support of starting intentionally in their power.
Last week that lovely functionality notified me that one of our community members whom I’ve mainly interacted with on LinkedIn was starting a new job so I wanted to reach out to celebrate and support him. (*Congrats again, MT!!!!🎉)
I’ve shared the same with Wayfinders through the years when they start new jobs/roles and I want to share this with you too for when:
1. You need supportive intention-setting at the onset of something
2. You know someone starting out and want to help them truly shine
3. You want a reminder to look through the lens of power during any type of new beginning in your leadership journey.
Here’s what I DMed him (with some more elaboration):
The beginning anywhere can be a steep wall of orientation (and sometimes overwhelm).
I've been thinking about you this week and wanted to send some things that I often share with folks in the Wayfinding community when they start new jobs/roles in case they are supportive of your reflection and intention-setting in this transition.
How is this an opportunity to more fully inhabit your Power that Serves the Whole — and your own wholeness?
Each threshold crossing is an opportunity to be more intentional, to choose to inhabit our greater power. As I said to my husband, Michael, over the weekend “All the times I’ve taken to pause, reflect, sense, and be intentional in my life about who I'm choosing to be and become have always paid off.” So who are you choosing to be now and how is this new chapter supportive of your expansion into your greater self? (*btw if you're new to the Wayfinding world, you can learn more about my approach to power here). -
What are your Shadow Power patterns that you want to be particularly mindful of and not feed/let take up airtime as you start this new chapter?
Along with the question above, being intentional about putting down our Shadow Power patterns is one of the biggest growth levers we can access. It is a key part of our mythopoetic journey as leaders — facing our inner work as we do our outer work. And each new role, each new opportunity always holds an invitation to meet and transmute our shadows. If you don’t know what yours are, you can find out here and learn to stop driving with the e-brake on. -
Can you give yourself permission to be in observer mode to clearly witness the organizational patterns of Power that Serves the Whole and Shadow Power?
Part of the gift of new people in any system is their fresh eyes. And part of what is so energetically demanding for a new hire is orienting to all the power lines that subtly run through a culture. To truly steward systems healing, we must learn to operate within a culture or organizational system while maintaining grounding in our own clear center and values. How can you best use your power knowledge to track the patterns in your new org while being conscious about what you’re choosing to adopt that’s beneficial and what patterns speak to unconscious collective shadow in the system? -
What do you need to be mindful of to tend your power as you learn a new culture and form many new relationships?
Often people can dive in so fully or want to prove themselves ASAP in a new setting that they can default to overextending themselves and self-violate. A friendly reminder that you’re stepping into a marathon, not a sprint. Your energy is one of your most precious resources to consistently access your Power that Serves the Whole and be a beneficial presence and leader. So stay in frequent sensing of your needs creative new ways to honor what you need most to show up in your clarity and aliveness.
These are just a few questions, but people have found them helpful when starting something new or getting a promotion because it can be all too easy to attune to the dynamics we're entering — and lose grounding in our personal power intentions.
For those of you looking for a new role or pitching a new role for yourself, these are great to reflect on BEFORE applying or putting forth your ask because they help you connect with your center.
Finally, we can choose a new beginning at any time.
So if you’re ready for a new chapter, you can -choose- it and use these questions and your Power Assessment insights to spark your evolution — wherever you are in your outer roles.